Venice Ditshego is the Author of "WHY NOT LOVE MYSELF LIKE THIS?"

By Venice Ditshego 

This book is made up of a collection of messages from two lovers, mostly from the guy who is showing love and affection to his lady. The only challenge is that the lady has lost the ability to love herself and is not even aware of it. She was depressed due to lack of inner strength to self-love but finally she finally discovered that inner power of loving herself and treating herself with kindness.

Self-love is not only about taking yourself on solo dates and going on getaways. Self-love is daily self-awareness of your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental well-being and what your body is saying to you today. After learning what your body is saying, then find ways to ensure that you get it. Remember that you know how you feel. Your body communicates with only you. You need to take that break when you need it.


About the Author 

My name is Venice Ditshego  I am 28 years old lady from Moutse in Dennilton.

3x Graduate in Sports Management, specialising in Human Anatomy, Research in Sports Methodology, Marketing in Sports, Recreational Sports and PR.
6x certificates in Tennis by Tennis South Africa, that is in coaching and officiating. Focuses on Chair Umpiring, Rules and code of conduct in Tennis, Referee.

Over 10 years of experience in Sports overall
Over 7 years of experience working with children in Sports. Coached at Torah Academy, Dagen Num (German schools).
Over 2 years experience working with the community under the Ndlovu Care Group.
I am a former Sports Coordinator Ndlovu Care Group.

I am currently doing an online course in lifeguard training and safety.
This month we are working with Swimming South Africa to do courses for our coaches.
My swimming coaching  skills were enhanced by a Swimming coach in Groblersdal.

Children are my passion.
Community development is my passion. I want to see some changes in our communities, even if it’s little steps. We will get there.

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