What is chakra meditation?
In Yoga, energy travels through your body through various channels called the “Nadis”. This energy source meets at a particular point in your body these are called “Chakras”. In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “wheel” or “cycle” which is the energy source in the body that corresponds with points or glands along the spine and into the brain for a better understanding. According to yoga philosophy, there are seven major chakras located within the body and each chakra exhibits a certain quality of its own. These chakras also regulate various systems within the body and certain yoga poses can be used to activate these chakras.
List of Seven chakras:
Crown/Sahasrara Chakra, is situated at the top of the head. Known as the “thousand petal lotus” chakra. This is considered as the most spiritual chakra due to it being driven by spiritual consciousness and the possibility of awakening to multi-dimensions of the divine. The colour associated with this chakra is Purple/white as it carries the spirit. With an unaligned, overactive or underactive Crown Chakra, you may experience a sense of negativity, distrust and disconnectedness from your higher self or from mother earth herself. With an aligned Crown chakra you will feel peace, joy and passivity in life. The use of the Butterfly pose aids to align your crown chakra, thus, invites balance, peace and concentration.
Third Eye/Ajna Chakra, is situated on the forehead between your eyebrows. “Third eye” chakra also known as our “all-seeing-eye” is driven by intuition and insight, on all spiritual levels. We are able to have clear thoughts and clear self-reflection through this chakra. The Third-eye acts as inner guidance that helps us to navigate out life path. With an unaligned, overactive or underactive Third-eye Chakra, we experience headaches, dizziness confusion and migraines to mention a few. With an aligned third eye chakra, we see things clearly, as they are, without them being clouded by our emotions or ego. It allows us to see connections in this world and the vase multi-verse. Its color is indigo and its element is light. The uses of the Dolphin pose increases circulation to our face and brain which stimulates the Third Eye.
Throat/Vishuddha Chakra, drives the neck, mouth, tongue and other physical elements of the throat area. It regulates how we communicate and allows us to express ourselves skillfully. The Throat Chakra has a large impact on our originality, our confidence and speaking our truth. When our throat chakra is blocked or unaligned we experience throat, nose and ear problems. These also block our creativity and our inner voice. When the throat chakra is aligned we easily express ourselves with confidence and our creativity flows. Its color is blue and its element is ether. The uses of chanting a mantra or a sound helps to keep the energy flowing and helps to keep the chakra open and aligned.
Heart/Anahata Chakra, situated in the middle of your cardiovascular system, this connects organs such as the heart and lungs. The heart chakra is linked with a person’s emotional character; it enables us to feel compassion, respect and connection with others. In order for us to feel complete and whole we require the fulfillment of love and acceptance. As such, the heart chakra is our door to allowing that love into our lives. An unaligned Heart Chakra gives us the sense of loss of emotion, being unsympathetic, egotistical or the loss of love for ones’ self. A balanced or aligned heart chakra allows us to remain accessible to giving and receiving love as well as the developing of our spirituality. The colour associated with this chakra is green and its element is air. With the aid of Low lunge our hearts are open and aligned to receive and give this energy.
Solar Plexus/Manipura Chakra, This chakra is located between the rib cage and the navel. It is believed to be a source of personal agency, self-esteem, willpower, determination, identity, personality and our ego; it molds our desires into action. An unaligned or imbalanced Solar Plexus causes us to experience, low self esteem issues, stress among other factors. Whereas a aligned or balanced Solar Plexus makes us feel proficient and confident, physically, it helps regulate digestion. Its color is yellow and it is associated with the fire element. Due to this chakra being close to the navel a great yoga pose would be that of the boat, it helps to activate and align your energy, removes your blocks, strengthens your core and ignites your internal flame.
Sacral/ Svadhishthana Chakra, is located below the navel around our pelvic area. This chakra is confidentially linked to our sexuality, creative process, playful area, self-expression, emotions and pleasure. This energy encourages us to explore, to use our creativity and adjust to change. An unaligned Sacral Chakra makes us feel frustrated, passionless, emotionless, zero passion for life itself and sexually frustrated. An aligned or balanced Sacral Chakra, makes it easy to connect with others, makes you feel comfortable with yourself and you may even find joy in everything else around you. Its base color is orange and its element is water. The aid of the Revolved Triangle pose boosts the abdominal organs, to encourage energy circulation through the Sacral Chakra this aids in grounding and helps to keep you in the present moment.
Root/Muladhara Chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It channels grounded energy from the earth and the way we connect to the outside world and oversees our basic needs for security, connectedness and natural survival. When the Root Chakra is unaligned or imbalanced, or physical body takes strain, our sense of security and wholeness is weakened. When the Root Chakra is balanced our confidence booms, our sense of belonging makes us feel whole again. It is associated with the color red and the earth element. With the aid of the Mountain pose we can connect to mother earth thus, aligning our root chakra through our feet. This welcomes the energy flow upwards and gives us the sense of completeness.

Aligning your chakras with these easy poses could be the start of your powerful journey in dealing with life’s “lemons”. Identified the area in which you feel you could be blocked, practice and learn as you go along, in time, you will find a sense of balance and harmony in your life. Charka yoga boosts health, self-awareness, spiritual awakening and distinguished levels of consciousness. Practicing Chakra yoga can be fun and fulfilling, combined with guided meditation and mantra chanting you will find balance for the body, mind and spirit.

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