I often hear people saying words like ‘I don’t deserve it’ and question from my side in silence will be: who said that to you? Why are you saying that kind of words to yourself? It is funny how we create these negative thoughts as if you heard them from a “reliable source” or should I say the person who own up your life. But mostly I also ask myself at what moment do we get this kind of thoughts, and when you look around you can’t even remember anyone who said that to you. And the confidence we used when saying these words sound like it has stamp of approval. Now, is it necessary to go through these dull moments? Why do we even go that far?
The only person who can say No is God, and only because He has alternative route for you. You see, God doesn’t have to be physically in the battle in order to fight for you. He saves you without you knowing behind the scenes. You don’t have to be in the meeting that is discussing you, but God will represent you, He goes before you and sort the quarrels before you can say a word. God doesn’t see things we see, He stand before you, fight for you in advance and the time you get closer to your “do to list” He already cleaned the path for you. So, these negative thoughts are definitely not from God and so you can’t let them rule how you do and see things? How about next time when you feel like saying “I don’t deserve it” say “I deserve everything I have in life now and the future, I am my own and I am going to succeed”.
This article is based on two fundamentals aspects that made us to believe in the negatives that pops out in our mind once and again: the power of our tongue and choices we made. It doesn’t matter how heated the situations can be we still have responsibility to gauge what we say and the choices we make after all. Tongue curses either good or bad (depending on what you are saying) and a choice is an act of choosing between two or more possibilities. When God gave Satan a permission to take away everything Job had and afflict him with illness and injury, Job trusted God and have faith that all is well as long as God is by his side, and this is a choice he chosen from his situation. Job did not curse God after his wife asked him to, but he cursed the day he was born instead. The good thing is the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
Job 1:22 says In spite of everything, Job did not sin or accuse God of doing wrong.
“We have to learn to be our own best friend because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemy.’ – Roderick Thorp.
Remember, Satan’s main mission is to destroy and terminate everything that generate a light because he is the work of the devil – a liar. Sometimes you must ignore everything bad said to you or about you to avoid emotional reaction. Delete everything negative said about you, don’t record it and let it slide. Remember only the best and cherish on them. When the Lord was addressing Israel in Isaiah 43:1-3 says “… fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name; you are mine, when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you go through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour….”
Everything you do in your lives is based on a decision, a decision is based on the wisdom, the wisdom is based on the knowledge and the knowledge is based on experience, the experience is 100% learning, which is a willingness to listen and act responsibly. In short, discipline is a key. To act and portrait a better lifestyle that God want is based on the honesty and integrity. You won’t encounter a change in life if you don’t make a change, and regardless of whether you change without discipline, you will still pull yourself conflictingly. Best achiever doesn’t do things because it is convenient, but commit 100%, respect the decisions with no excuses. Consistency will give progress in life.
This is not to discourage people to achieve and grab more and more, but you also need to get to a point where you appreciate what you have at that moment. Push more effort to achieve more, but respect what you have, and that start with for example to be thankful for life, health, roof over your head and supporting structure that is always by your side. I know people that always worry about their current weight all the time, and even when it gets better with time still worry about it, they lose if that is their goal and still want to lose more, they gain if that is their goal and still want to gain more. This is the struggle that our mindset conflicts with, and this end up creating envy since you choose not to accept what is in your plate. You put more pressure on yourself on lot of things you see in other people’s journey and create unnecessary competition with other people and forget to live your “now”.
Compare your progress with yourself over time and learn to live up to your choices and appreciate a little progress you make. Everyone has a its own time, and our time slots from God are different, appreciate your little achievements, so you can be able to appreciate little achievements of others. Remember “You deserve everything you have in life now and the future, you are unique and you going to succeed”. Stay on your lane. Learn to achieve things for yourself, not to impress or be little others. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.
“If the only prayer you say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough”, Meister Eckhart.
Satisfied life is better than a successful life because success is measured by other people, but our satisfaction is measured by our own mind, heart, and soul. We should be much more thankful than being at the receiving end. The misunderstanding is that we feel that life is due to us, that it is an absolute necessity to be alive and it is not obligatory to be grateful for it. When you kneel in the mornings the primary aim is to thank God for a decent night and more life. Being thankful means to have faith that God will provide protection and look after your situations. Put more effort in working towards the positivity instead of putting more energy in your flaws, mistakes, and things you have lost. We tend to focus on what people think about us instead of the little voice in our heart.
Do yourself a favour at this moment reading this, neglect negativities and throw them far away from your life. Practise new and unlearn old “not so good” behaviours. Link positive with positive, where you see hope you will find peace, where you see care there is love, where you see a future there is faith – be still and nurture those. For instance, don’t expect love in toxic place, doesn’t matter even if you stick around for long. Remember that Satan due to his actions he was chased out of heaven, (Luke10:18). Satan was the highest of all the angels, he got demon-possessed and wanted to take over the universe from God, (Rev 12:09).
Let your peace change the world, don’t let the world change your peace. Remember that a speaker of truth has no friends. The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it. John Lennon once said that “being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones”. Remember, what Gerald Sinclair said: “If your intentions are pure, you don’t lose people – they lose you”. Where there is a truth, few will be attracted and lot will repulse from it – but you will always defeat and end up being a winner because we put faith in the wings of the Lord for protection, not the world. “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings”, Charlie Wardle.
Levy Sekgale Mothogoane is a Cost Engineer, Author and Entrepreneur he writes in his personal capacity.
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