Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality’s Municipal Manager Ronald Moganedi flanked by Speaker of Council Cllr Judy Nkgadima Mphelane and Cllr Sam Malaka during SALGA’s Awards Ceremony at Ranch Hotel outside Polokwane. Picture Credit Supplied.

By Thulane Madalane

Polokwane: Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality  has emerged as one of the awards winners for maintaining Unqualified  opinion for four years in a row for  financial  year 2021/2022 in a  glittering ceremony which  was hosted  by South African Local Government Association ( SALGA) at the Ranch Hotel outside Polokwane last night.

Makhuduthamaga has won this award four times already under the astute leadership of Cllr Minah Bahula and her  collective  they took a decision  to professionalize the Municipality by hiring young and  qualified  personnel  to take  the Municipality to a greater heights through  community oriented  service delivery methods, during the 2021/2022 The Municipality had a total number of 125 annual targets and managed to achieve 108 targets which is  86 % of the total planned targets. Timeless News went to the streets of Makhuduthamaga to get the views of the  residents about this  important milestone, Kgagudi  Sekhukhune from  ward  18 congradulated the  Municipality for their  consistency in managing the public purse well and for employing young people, “firstly let me congradulate the leadership of the municipality for a job well done and  for giving suitably qualified young people a chance  to bring  the much needed expertise to steer this ship to greater heights, with them at helm I believe that  Makhuduthamaga is going build sustainable infrastructure like better roads and access to water for household ” said  Kgagudi.

The Acting Premier, who is also the MEC for CoGHSTA in Limpopo Basikopo Makamu reminded Municipalities of the pressure to sustain Unqualified Audit outcomes and ensuring that  they maintain the  momentum of accountable  practices in managing public finances “you must not only stay on top, but also work towards clean administration in the coming financial years and also deliver services that speaks to the hearts of communities ” concluded Makamu. The recently appointed Municipal Manager of Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality Mr Ronald Moganedi who was flanked by Speaker of Council Cllr Judy Nkgadima Mphelane and Cllr Sam Malaka when he ascended the stage to recieve the award, he was quoted on the sidelines of the awards saying ” the Municipality is on course to attain clean administration, through the implementation of Audit action plans flagged in the previous year by the Auditor General and improve on internal financial controls amongst others.” he quipped 

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