By Thulane Madalane
Today in context i wish to write about FAITH,KNOWLEDGE AND ACTION. By the way of introduction lets read together from the following scriptures, and each scripture will be addressing each component of my topic which is FAITH,KNOWLEDGE AND ACTION
Mathew 9 v 29
Then Jesus put his hands over their eyes and said
Proverbs 4 v 7
Wisdom is the most valuable commodity so buy it
Revelation Knowledge is what you need invest in it!
James 2 v 7
So faith that doesn’t involve action is phony ( Fruitless)
I want us to reconcile my topic for today with all the three scriptures i have just read now, in the first scripture Jesus The Christ is illustrating an important scene for us that faith goes hand in hand with expectation, meaning that once you believe God for something you must now activate the attitude of expectation which is a motivation on its own. on the very same verse Jesus The Christ made a public display of his knowledge of God by healing two blind men because he knew that its impossible to please God without faith, furthermore he took action by laying his hands over their eyes and they were healed.The second scripture addresses one component of today’s teaching that knowledge doesn’t come before wisdom, this translation make a clear depiction of wisdom as valuable commodity in the market and the scripture further encourages us to buy it, in this instance we are going to buy it using faith as our currency to acquire wisdom, surely that will be pleasing to God like the scripture says “ without faith its impossible to please God”. Now the question is how do we invest in knowledge as the followers of Jesus The Christ? When our beloved Master Jesus The Christ knew before hand that his ministry won’t last that long, he introduced the holy spirit as the helper and as an enabler for all of us who confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The confession lead to one of the gifts of the holy spirit which is revelation knowledge. Revelation Knowledge as the gifts of the holy spirit will always come in handy every time whenever we seek counsel from lord it will direct our career, business, family paths and other daily needs of the saints however it requires us to spend more time in the presence of the Lord through Prayer, Reading of the Bible and Fasting. All these things are equivalent to an investment to revelation knowledge like the Scripture Said “ We need to invest in revelation knowledge”. The third component of my teaching is Action. Apostle James put it briefly and succinctly that faith “ So faith that doesn’t involve action is phony ( Fruitless)” my understanding of this scripture is that your faith has to bear some fruits, now the question what are those fruits?
– Consistent Prayer Life
– Intimate Relationship with God through scriptures
– Spiritual maturity
– Inner Power to Discern the Voice of the God as opposed that of World
– inner Power to Handle every situation be it Good or Worse
– Steadfastness in the power of the Cross
– Honesty ( in communicating your thoughts and feelings as the follower of Christ amid popular views)
– Prophet Samuel before he become a Prophet God Spoke to him behind scenes because Eli and his sons were now undermining God.
– Before Moses could begin his BIG Mission of liberating Children of Israel God spoke to him behind scenes
– Before The Messiah could set his foot on this universe Prophets Like Isaiah had a behind the scene sneak preview of who the Messiah is and what character traits did he have ( Isaiah 53)
– in the first four gospels John the Baptist is introduced as the forerunner ( a man behind the scenes in announcing the coming of the Messiah) of Jesus The Christ
– Before Jesus Christ began his Ministry he was led into the wilderness by the holy spirit where he was subjected to a behind the scenes tests by the slanderer.
Equally important you might have received the increased faith as it is apportioned by holy spirit, you might have invested your time and energy in revelation knowledge it is also apportioned by the holy spirit, now i want you to watch closely the challenges that you are facing in taking action towards what you believed God for. Perhaps you are facing powerful actions behind the scenes before the actual action of running that powerful ministry, of writing that life changing book, of leading that multinational company, of running a public company, of studying towards that degree that you yearned for all your life, of raising responsible children, of beating any form of addiction, of marrying your childhood sweetheart and most importantly of having an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Lastly Faith( Romans 10 V17) represent a very powerful and invisible force that is only understood by Holy trinity, after believing God in the invisible realm, we ought to Acquire Knowledge through scripture reading, prayer and fasting ( Mathew 6 v33), Knowledge of God through his Son Jesus Christ will give us courage to take Action ( 1 Peter 1v13 ) for Everything we believed God for.
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