Madalane giving a biblical  context of the wilderness. Picture supplied

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. ~ Hosea 2:14

The wilderness is generally a very dry and barren place. There are stretches of sand and nothingness, and it’s not the kind of place most people would willingly spend time in. In the Bible, the wilderness is also depicted as an unfriendly and lonely place. The LORD Jesus was led by the Spirit of GOD into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for forty days, and, also because of their disobedience, the Israelites had to wander in the wilderness for forty years. GOD had to provide them with water and food, as these were in short supply in the wilderness.

So why would GOD lead HIS people into the wilderness? When pondering this I realised that the wilderness generally does not have much that could distract you. There isn’t much in the line of sightseeing, and the view around you may be pretty mundane. When you pass through the wilderness area, your goal is to get to the other side – to your destination as soon as possible. Your needs are basic – food, water, and shelter from the blistering sun or wind storms.

There are times when our own disobedience and sin may result in us finding ourselves spiritually in the wilderness – a place where GOD seems far away and silent. But in our scripture reading GOD says HE is going to allure her (Israel) and lead her into the wilderness in order to speak tenderly to her. Wow! It struck me that GOD could be the One Who decides to lead us, HIS Own treasured possession, into a wilderness place. In those times HE may also feel far away, and we may seem to struggle to hear HIS voice and to understand why we’re in the dry, weary place. Yet HE says that HE would speak tenderly to us in that place – that place of little distraction and an urgent drive to get through it.

When you find yourself in a lonely, dry time in your walk with GOD, remember the great things that came from desert experiences in GOD’s Word. Moses met GOD in the burning bush in the wilderness (Exodus 3). Elijah received very clear direction for the next step in his ministry after he ran and hid in the desert, following his altercation with the Baal prophets and Jezebel’s subsequent threats (1 Kings 19:15-18). The LORD Jesus came out of the wilderness after HIS temptations ‘in the power of the Spirit’ (Luke 4:14), and started HIS public ministry immediately following this. We also read of multiple miracles GOD did for the Israelites in the wilderness.

The wilderness experience can be a dry, barren place, but when GOD leads you into such a season, HE has a purpose for it and HE WILL speak, if you will listen.

The wilderness also is a time of solitude. Do not be astounded by the unfolding realization that your friends have deserted you as well. After all you’ll be deserted in a desert (wilderness). Focus your all to GOD when that season of your life is upon you. Don’t try to run away from it, I promise you it won’t work.

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