EMALAHLENI – EFF leader Julius Malema has promised eMalahleni residents his party will create jobs for everyone including those without a senior certificate as is minimum job requirement in South Africa.
Malema said this during the party’s campaign trail at Santa a week ago. “We are going to hire everyone whether you have grade 12 or not, whether you have a degree or not,” he said.
“There is work in municipalities that does not require a degree. We want those who do not have grade 12 to be given work that they qualify for.”
“You do not matric certificate to sweep the streets of eMalahleni, you do not need a matric certificate to cut grass and patch the potholes. We are going to do all of these for those that do not have matric because we understand our people could not get an opportunity to get up to matric because of poverty and were therefore forced to be farm and domestic workers ,” Malema said.
“They did not leave school because they are dumb. To prove that, we are going to hire them to sweep the streets so they can register to for ABET and improve their studies.” Malema added that his party is a party that represents hopes and aspirations of people seen as “nothing”. “We want to take you and turn you into something because we are an organisation of the hopeless masses of our people,” he said. Malema spent 3 days in the province where he visited all the three districts to ask people to vote for the EFF in the local government elections to take place on the 1st of November. “I went everywhere, there are no roads. The whole province has potholes as big as a swimming pool but there are mines. It is not like there is no money in Mpumalanga. There is too much money both in government and the private sector but your roads are in a dilapidated state,” Malema said.
“Your roads are a complete disaster it does not even show that the country’s Deputy President comes from this province,” he said.