Busisiwe Ngomane (middle) scooped 1st prize at the Pitch and Perfect Competition, with her and congratulating her are (from Left) SANParks Senior Manager: Enterprise/Supplier Development – Hilda Mthimunye, Jabulile Mkhwanazi from NYDA, Carol Matsheka : SEDA Branch Manager – Bushbuckridge, Babongile Mkhize – Hollywood Foundation’s Group Transformation Manager and Sezanele Zondi – from MEGA. Picture Credit: Supplied

By Laura Mukwevho

Bushbuckridge:In line with the theme “consolidate and safeguard our democratic gains” for this year’s Freedom Day, South African National Parks (SANParks) in conjunction with the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) embarked on a pitch and perfect competition) on 27 April 2023 targeting Youth aged between 21 -34 who have Small, Medium and Micro-enterprises (SMME). Participants came from Sukumani Nkomazi, Lumbambiswano, Ntirhisano and Mahlambandlompfu community forums found in the southern part of the Kruger National Park. The aim of the session was for SMMEs to present their business proposals to potential funders who in turn assisted them to perfect their skills hence ‘pitch and perfect’

Phumla Shabangu was the 2nd prize winner of the Pitch and Perfect Competition. With her are SANParks Senior Manager: Enterprise/Supplier Development – Hilda Mthimunye, Acting SANParks Head of Socio-Economic Transformation Department, Elizabeth Mhlongo, Carol Matsheka – SEDA Branch Manager: Bushbuckridge, Jabulile Mkhwanazi from NYDA, Babongile Mkhize – Hollywood Foundation’s Group Transformation Manager and Sezanele Zondi – from MEGA. Picture Credit: Supplied.

40 SMMEs, drawn from the KNP 2021 Economic Transformation Roadshow and Land Claimants database; took part in the competition after having gone through a selection process, training in a form of mentorship and coaching prior to the competition. The idea is to develop and train young entrepreneurs from these areas who would qualify as per the set criteria to become fully fledged business owners.

“Our focus as SANParks is on fostering and mainstreaming, integrated and result oriented youth development approach, through collaborations with key stakeholders to implement youth development programmes. We are mindful that we may not always have enough resources hence we collaborate with relevant partners such as NYDA and others to ensure that our youth benefit on the business opportunities; thereby creating the much-needed jobs. This programme is also in line with the National Youth Policy 2020-2030, aimed at effecting positive development outcomes amongst young people at local, provincial and national level in South Africa; said the Acting SANParks Head of Socio-Economic Transformation Department, Elizabeth Mhlongo.

SANParks Acting Head of Social Economic Transformation Elizabeth Mhlongo explaining the mandate of the department and linking it with the SMME programme for the youth . Picture Credit: Supplied.

To pitch their business proposals, participants were each given five minutes to present their ideas, get to the point and thereafter the judges asked questions. NYDA brought in with them the Durban based Hollywood Foundation whose mandate includes entrepreneur and supplier development programmes. The Foundation donated prizes for the winners which would serve as a direct investment towards equipment, stock, material and working capital (depending on the business immediate needs). The prize categories were as follows:

Winners, Enterprise Name and Locality 

1. Busisiwe Ngomane Gugu Mshika Enterprise

(crop farming) R50 000,00 Mangweni

2. Phumla Shabangu Vitality Living

(water purification & bottled water) R30 000,00 Mahushu

3. Caedmon Nxumalo Julooka Group

(Chesa Nyama) R20 000,00 New forest B: Tsuvulani

4. Velaphi Malatjie Eagle Skin Care

(organic skin products) R20 000,00 College view, Bushbuckridge

5. Siphesihle Mdluli Asilakhe Holdings (Pty) Ltd

(poultry farmer) R20 000,00

6. Sethembele Mdaka Ventilop Energy Solutions

(Solar power installation) R20 000,00 Mhangweni

7. Stephen Mona & Bhetina Mitileni Radical Enterprise

(hair salon) R20 000,00 Cork

For the youth to meet the criteria for SANParks SMME business mentoring, training and opportunities, they need to possess the following:

• The business must have 51% black ownership.

• It must be located within a 200 KM radius of the Kruger National Park.

• The business must have been in operation for at least 2 years and generating a turnover of no less than R10 000 per month.

• The owner must be active in the business on full time bases.

• The selected candidates must be able to travel to the KNP for training workshops as and when necessary for the duration of the project.

The Pitch and Perfect competition participants together with judges from SANParks, National Youth Development Agency (NYDA), Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) and Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA). Picture Credit: Supplied

• The incumbent must have a cell phone and access to a computer as well as e-mail address.

• The incumbent must also be willing to commit themselves to the time required for learning.





















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