By Thulane Madalane
MAKHUDUTHAMAGA:Judea Safe Home is a legally registered Non-profit organization and is on the database of Department of Social Development. And it’s purpose is to provide shelter to abused women and children. The shelter is registered with the National Shelters Movement in South Africa. Is the brainchild of Emily Shilakoe 44 year old mother of 5 kids who suffered a post natal depression after giving birth to her triplets in 2007, instead of feeling sorry for herself as a single parent, she started giving counseling to other women who were distressed at her local church, “I was a single mom, living with my kids alone. at our church I had different people coming to me for counseling and advice on family issues. Personally I was not in a good headspace to help anyone, I referred them to the pastor in the church. But that never stopped them from coming to my house. Some where sick and would stay with me and my kids for some days and I would take them to the clinic to receive their treatment. Later I got a job in a local school where I had numerous girls whom I helped with accommodation to study, school uniform and so on.” said Shilakoe.
This kind of service to the vulnerable people ignited the the interest for Shilakoe and other women to think about registering an NPO “It dawned to me and my team maybe we should open a Shelter after hearing many disheartening stories from most victims of GBV, we felt obligated to formalize our operations by teaming up with other like minded women to register a shelter which will help the ever growing number women and children who are at the receiving end of many GBV cases.” explained Shilakoe. Judea Safe Home has teamed up with National Safety Home Movement and Gender Based Violence advocacy groups. Judea Safe Home has a house which requires few touch ups before it can be a fully-fledged home that can accommodating victims. The other challenge that organization is facing is lack of funding to kick start its programs. We appeal to business leaders in Sekhukhune,Limpopo and beyond to support this noble initiative which is serving as sanctuary for women and children who are victims of GBV in their families. The organization has already accommodated few clients because of lack of resources ” we have taken in some clients so far, We are unable to accommodate a larger number of women due to lack of resources. But we would appreciate individuals, companies and Organizations to partner with us in the fight against GBV… In empowering women and restoring them.” concluded Shilakoe. More than two thirds of women (77%) in Limpopo have experienced some form of gender-based violence in their lifetime, including partner and nonpartner violence. About half of men, (48%) admit to perpetrating GBV at least once in their lifetime.Most of the violence occurs within intimate relationships and is predominantly emotional – a form not usually addressed. Thirty one percent of the women experienced emotional violence while more than a third of men (36%) perpetrated emotional Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in their lifetime. Women experience and men perpetrate other forms of intimate violence including physical, sexual and economic violence. Almost a quarter of women (23%) and a quarter (25%) of men reported physical IPV experience and perpetration respectively. Thirteen percent of women and 14% of men reported economic IPV experience and perpetration respectively. Seven percent of women experienced and 12% of men perpetrated sexual IPV. One in every five women (21%) reported abuse during at least one of their pregnancies. In the majority of cases, women and men reported multiple incidents of physical or sexual IPV. The good samaritans who want to assist Judea Safe Home may get in touch with Emily Shilakoe on this on this number 063 180 1812.
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