#BeyondThePain- VIIA’s educational tool about Gender Based Violence

#BeyondThePain- VIIA’s educational tool about Gender Based Violence


MPUMALANGA – Voice It In Action is introducing an educational tool to tackle Gender Based Violence which has often been overlooked in society and only dealt with through reaction mechanisms rather than finding ways to prevent it.

Voice It In Action has devised a solution via the #BeyondThePain Project; an Educational Project which will fill gaps and unpack aspects around the “second pandemic” of Gender Based Violence in South Africa. The project enables the development of educational tools consisting of books, booklets, training programs/activities, etc., which will be suitable for all age groups.

Speaking to Timeless News, the President of Voice It In Action, Kgothatso Moloto a GBV activist says; “that GBV is often a subject that many react to rather than form a proactive action to it; such as learning how to approach it holistically.” Voice It In Action is a non-profit organization that is actively fighting the Gender Based Violence pandemic, and has embarked on extensive research to collect facts to devise a solution to educate society.

Voice It In Action has helped support a number of GBV victims in Mpumalanga in areas such as Kwaggafontein, KwaMhlanga, Moloto and in other areas of South Africa; using the following hashtags: #JusticeforPaulinah, #JusticeforNkosingiphile, #JusticeForTebogoDusty, #JusticeforLethabo and many other justice programs, while these are not just merely statistics, they are names of real people attached to the hashtags to make it known to society and government that this is real and that sustainable action needs to be taken.

This educational tool will help address the ills in our society which lead to GBV incidences through educational platforms, address the root causes of GBV through educational drives, influence behavioral change and moral conduct within our communities, educate perpetrators and society on the short-term and long-term impacts of their actions on the lives of individuals and their families amongst others. Moloto also says: “The tool will assist in curbing the rise of GBV cases in South Africa whilst creating a safer South Africa for all citizens and for future generations.”

Moloto also invites citizens to contribute to this project as GBV affects everyone in these proposed ways:

– Participate; As a contributor, as an interviewee or as a writer.

– Apply and become a representative.

– Partner as individuals, as businesses, as organizations or as the government.

– Civic Society: rise together – unite to eradicate the brutality of GBV in our nation through education – #1MillionCopies; play your part.

The #BeyondThePain educational project needs support including funding to continue operating. The initiators of the project Phumelela Malaza, Phindile Radebe and Kgothatso Moloto can be reached on various platforms such as : www.viia.org.za | beyondthepain@viia.org.za | Social media: @VoiceItInAction | ©️ 074 268 9571 / 071 426 0606

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  1. People have been quiet about this evil that is bedeviling the abused for a life time . This is a noble platform. The pepetrator also needs attention ie, rehabilitation while others must be brought to book. They can’t walk Scott free.

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